Love is Patient, Love is Kind!

This past week or two has been full of reminders of how important it is to be patient and kind. This is definitely something that you should exercise in your relationships with others, but it is of the utmost importance in the relationship with yourself. I’ve recently challenged a few clients to reframe the negative comments they utter about themselves or decisions they’ve made. I also went through the same exercise after realizing I was chastising myself for my lack of focus one day. I heard someone repeat a quote (from whom I do not know) that if we treated others the way we treat ourselves, more of us would be in jail. And most people are their own worst critic. That critical inner voice is what we in the coaching world call your gremlin. The gremlin voice tells you not to try, never to take a risk, always to take the safe road, and to compromise your life by playing small. Your gremlin is highly personal and can be difficult to overcome because it is rooted deeply inside you. It carries the most intense emotional charge of any of the blocks that keep you from succeeding in life and love. Your gremlin thrives on fear. When you hear its whispers, whether you realize it or not, your energy changes and puts out signals that attract that same negative demeaning energy. So my advice is this:

1. Be proactive! Start your day with loving, positive, and uplifting messages about yourself and your life journey. 
2. Take action immediately when that nagging voice starts sounding off by recalling those positive messages. 
3. When you do make choices that don’t reap the desired results, don’t dwell on the decision and results but rather learn from the lesson and move on. (Just a side note. People often call those choices mistakes but it’s only the judgment of the choice as "wrong" after the undesired outcome that makes it so dramatic.)
4. Remember, all that exists is NOW! Your past or anxiety about the future does not have to affect you in the present moment. Using the lessons learned from your past, you get to choose who you want to be and how you want to present yourself to the world in every moment. Play the game of life full out! Because now is all there ever will be.

Gremlin work can be quite involved and is most effective when you are guided by a certified coach. If you are ready to get out of your own way and rid yourself of all that’s holding you back, shoot me an email at or call (609) 416-1116 and we can set up a time to chat.

Live in Love my friends!
