/Fear can be very powerful at keeping you from the relationships you want or any other life goal if you allow it. Yes YOU have the upper hand here. Fear recruits all your inner critics’ arguments against taking a leap (or even a step) on faith, all your assumptions about possible discouraging outcomes, your interpretations, and those hindering limiting beliefs and uses them to keep you from that dream relationship or life-long goal. Your intuition may even be repeatedly guiding you to the path that leads to those dreams, but it is up to you to take it. Granted achieving dreams and goals isn’t always easy and it comes with many opportunities for growth. But I recall something my grad school research professor said to me while I struggled to get results for a project. He said, “If it were easy everyone would be doing it and it wouldn’t be that rewarding.” That was soooo not what I was trying to hear having wrestled with that project for almost 2 (and it being the only thing keeping me from graduating), but it rings true now. This is often where a lot of people just go back to what is easy and familiar. The same can be said for relationships. Relationships will often require that you dig deep, work hard, and deal with all your "stuff" but it is rewarding in the end.
Choose to trust that wherever your intuition is leading you, the Universe has taken care of the details. What if that guy is eagerly waiting for you to open up to him and receive all the love he is trying to give? Or what if that girl is just waiting for you to approach her and show that you want a relationship with her? What if all you desire is just one choice away? It’s all so close yet fear will use an arsenal to convince you of otherwise. I read a quote from Karinna Kittles-Karsten a few days ago that went as follows: “Be bold, be courageous, be active and adventurous to breakthrough patterns that aren’t supportive of you anymore and the relationship life you are ready to experience.” This sums it up very well. You have to choose to kick fear to the curb and take that step. So whether you are the guy that wants to take that girl out or the girl that is scared to risk it all again, remember no risk no reward.
In 2014 I’m choosing to seek more opportunities to get out of my comfort zone, in my relationships, business, and career. And I do so choosing to trust that my intuition is guiding me every step of the way and that the Universe has taken care of all the details. This is going to be an amazing year and I can’t wait to share all the victories and lessons with you all. Who’s with me?