Open Up to Receive Abundance
/Do you ever notice that giving someone a gift or compliment versus receiving one can feel very different? Some might say that receiving can be downright uncomfortable. However, there is much grace to be found in the art of receiving. Learning to open up to the abundance in our lives improves our relationships and all other aspects of our lives. We can all think of ways our lives would be more fulfilling if we had a little more love, friends, understanding, help, patience, sleep, money, good health, etc. But, what if we already had this abundance and just haven’t been present to it? What if our patterns were getting in the way of receiving abundance and love? Identifying the patterns that undermine our ability to receive is crucial to getting what we want and receiving what is available for us.
We may believe that receiving something from another creates an obligation to give back. Or we may suspiciously be wondering what someone wants from us, instead of viewing their offer of help or a compliment as just that. If this is your belief, you may begin to naturally reject the help or downplay the compliment that is offered to you. In turn you may start to feel as if you have no resources for help and get tunnel vision to all that you lack. But in reality you are unknowingly sending signals that you are not open to receiving. Remember like energy attracts like energy. Most of the time, underneath the belief that you will owe someone if you accept their offer is fear and another belief that you are undeserving and unworthy. Both contribute to a pattern that is usually evident if you listen to the inner dialogue. It may start with: “Why is he being so nice to me?” or “He thinks he is so smooth but I’ve got his game all figured out.” It may even prompt you to respond to gifts or service with, “You really don’t have to do that,” “This is too much,” or to give a compliment in return instead of just humbly accepting the compliment given to you.
Unless you become conscious to your pattern and way of thinking, you will continue to receive the difficult in your life as opposed to the love, support, and abundance you desire.
To train your brain to see what is available to you, practice saying ‘yes’ for a week to anything that anyone offers (within reason of course) even if you don’t need it. This will help expand your capacity to receive. Just see what things open up for you that you may not have noticed before.
If you would like to know more about how you can clear the path to receive all that you desire in life, please contact me to schedule a complimentary coaching session.